A Danish Blend


A Full-day Walkshop at DIS 24, Copenhagen, Denmark, Monday July 1st 2024

This full-day two-part walkshop helps participants rethink and reimagine their relationship with the environment they live in, with society, and with their own presence in the city by introducing them to the concept of blended spaces. The space of the city is the human space par excellence, where culture, society, and power become paths, barriers, passages, and information. But digital spaces are also human spaces, and they are omnipresent, and increasingly bleeding into and blending with physical space.

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Designing Blended Experiences Workshop


A Full-day Workshop at DIS 24, Copenhagen, Denmark, Tuesday July 2nd 2024

Digital transformation is increasingly blurring the line between what software is and what the physical world can be. This requires designers to harmoniously blend digital and physical products, services, and spaces to orchestrate meaningful experiences specifically aimed at the interweaving relationships between people, places, and things. As technologies and subsequent experiences rapidly become increasingly ubiquitous, it is essential to design pedagogy for these technologies at a human scale. The Pedagogies of Designing Blended Experiences Workshop will discuss, present, ideate, and propose novel methods and techniques to develop pedagogies toward this need. The full-day workshop's outcomes mainly revolve around a) identifying key pedagogical problems and obstacles when designing across digital and physical spaces, b) early ideation techniques for novel pedagogical approaches, and c) a three-phased speculative roadmap to incorporate workshop outcomes in higher education learning.

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Towards a Choreography of Blended Experiences


A Full-day Hybrid Workshop at the ACM IMX 2023, Nantes, France, June 12–15 2023

This workshop explores the notion of Cognitive Integration or Blending Theory and its application in Benyon’s conceptualization of Blended Space as a means for working across the physical/digital divide. A blended space is where a digital space is carefully designed to commingle with a physical space, thus creating a new type of space with its own emergent structure whose properties and affordances create a novel sense of presence that supports new behaviors and experiences. Subsequent work has incorporated the notion of trajectories and paths into the blended space framework and reframed it as Blended Experience (BX), a core element in the conceptualization of Experience Ecosystems.

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BLENDED EXPERIENCES :: Last updated May 17 2024