Designing Blended Experiences Workshop


A Full-day Workshop at DIS 24, Copenhagen, Denmark, Tuesday July 2nd 2024

Mixed Reality, Multiple Reality, Physical/Digital, Immersive Environments, Augmented Space or any name you can think of. If you‘re interested in this area and how to define, describe, present it to novices, please join us in our workshop

Digital transformation is increasingly blurring the line between what software is and what the physical world can be. This requires designers to harmoniously blend digital and physical products, services, and spaces to orchestrate meaningful experiences specifically aimed at the interweaving relationships between people, places, and things.

In this workshop we will explore the pedagogy around this subject. To date, those who have been tasked to teach and practice around this area have lacked a set of tools, skills and practices from which to draw. Conceptual models can often be over complicated and difficult for design students to grasp.

In this workshop we aim to:

To join us on Tuesday July 2nd, please email an expression of interest to by May 26th with the subject line “DIS2024 Workshop”. Please detail any experience you may have had in this area and why you are interested in attending the workshop. Notifications of acceptance will be by 28th May to enable participants to take advantage of early bird registration rates. We are happy to accept participants after this date, please email and we will respond as quickly as possible.


Anna R. L. Carter Northumbria University

Andrea Chirico Sapienza University of Rome

Tom Flint Edinburgh Napier University

Bertil Lindenfalk Jönköping University

Michael Mastermaker SUNY Farmingdale State College

Brian O’Keefe SUNY Farmingdale State College

Andrea Resmini Halmstad University and University of Skövde

Miriam Sturdee University of St. Andrews

Last updated: May 17 2024

BLENDED EXPERIENCES :: Last updated May 17 2024